Gion Kobu Hanamachi Karyukai Okiya Ame no uzume no mikoto shrine

First Second Life Hanamachi established in August 2006. Late Edo period sim circa 1867.
Owner: April Cordeaux
TeleportFirst Second Life Hanamachi established in August 2006. Late Edo period sim circa 1867.
Owner: April Cordeaux
TeleportOwner: Utayo Yengawa
TeleportArashiryuu Yashiro is a working shrine, both in the real world and in Second Life. Kami enshrined and worshipped are Amaterasu, Susanoo, Tsuikyomi, Ame-no-Uzume, Sarutahiko, Shastayama (local mountain kami) and Arashi-sama. Kannon-Bosatsu (Kwan Yin) and Amida-Butsu (Amitabha Buddha) are also honored and have enshrinement. Services offered here include o-harae, prayers, and some matsuri. Services are provided largely in English, with norito offered in both Japanese and English. Persons of all shapes, abilities, and genders are welcome. Services are folk Shinto, and are provided by the co-priestesses Amehana Ishtari and Oscelot Haalan.
Owner: Oscelot Haalan